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Here's how I Generated $5,000 in profit in less than a week. Using the Starbucks Giveaway Strategy.

I grew my client's email and SMS list by #500 people in #2 days, ORGANICALLY Resulting in Generating $5,000 in profit in less than a week. and here's how I did it ….

Steal my strategy

I understand that many service providers and small business owners do not always see the need to invest in digital marketing strategy and graphic design. Especially with programs like Canva, and Adobe Express being so user friendly.

BUT … While attractive graphics may not always lead to sales, they can increase brand awareness, build relationships with customers, differentiate a company from its competitors, and make a great first impression. I love nothing more than a UNIQUE graphic rollout that is consistent with the brand's voice.

In today's marketing environment, content is king.

SO The way you design and market your CONTENT is your COIN , meaning that you will get out what you put in.Hiring an agency to combine strategy and creativity can help make you millions. ( in this case it was $5,000 for my client )

and here's how I did it ….


Be strategic | From $500 to $5,000

  1. First I created a SMS campaign to generate leads

Next, I produced a lead magnet that was relevant to my target audience and offered it for free on my social media accounts. ( In this case We created a free Starbucks drink promo flyer, offering a barcode to be scanned at checkout, but in order to receive the barcode, they had to text us.)

The number was linked to our SMS lead generator, which collected their contact information in exchange for the free barcode. ) we invested in uploading $500 towards our Starbucks app for this campaign, but you can start with a smaller amount.

2. I Advertised the lead magnet on social media and in relevant online communities. This resulted in several new leads for our client and reintroduced old customers to their platform. ( DM BLAST were key in this strategy )

3. My Team then followed up with all of the new leads who downloaded the lead magnet via SMS + EMAIL and offered them a free consultation and one time discounted service offer. I also reached out to all returning leads directly, sharing a coupon for joining our referral program.

What was the sale ? Refer a friend and SAVE 10

This was a client who has high ticket offers so many of the returning clients referred several to rack up on $10 added towards their purchase

I closed the deals and generated $5,000 in revenue in a week. by creating a free lead magnet, promoting it on social media, and following up with leads.

Go Run The Play It's that simple,

but remember that it all started with a super unique and attractive flyer from my professional graphic design agency. A well-designed flyer can make a big difference in the success of your profit. So while you invest in inventory, photoshoots, and coaching, be sure to remember that hiring a professional graphic designer is equally important in maintaining a brand that is both visually appealing and effective

I understand that not everyone can afford my services, but I still want to help you succeed. Check out this digital product I created to help you RUN THE PLAY. It includes 6 template flyers that you can use to promote your business with this Giveaway Strategy, and they can be customized with your brand's colors and logos. I even addes some BONUS INCLUSIONS of Variations of PNG donuts, drinks, and stickers to make your template more unique. PLUSSSSSS A step-by-step guide on how to set up your Starbucks and Dunkin' mobile apps to share with your communities. ALL FOR $10

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